Confessions of a Material Girl

All About This Material Girl

This blog is intended as a means of self-reflection on how the Great Recession is changing my values on every level.  It is not meant to be a statement of the behavior of the population at large nor is it intended to pass judgement on how others are reacting to circumstances.

Rather, this is a personal view into how living through this process of change is reflecting in my life and behaviors.  The intention of going public with these thoughts is to offer encouragement or ideas to other people.  It is also possible that you may wish to comment and correct me, point out a better way or offer a suggestion of your own.

I was originally going to call this blog “Katie’s Recession Cafe”.  I’d serve up examples of how I’m budgeting money or learning newer ways to be thrifty.  But the more I thought about it the more I disliked this limited focus.  It’s as if I were intending for the Great Recession to become a permanent framework in my life and the only focus of this blog.

Instead I’m going to come here and look at ways I’m working to keep up an enjoyment of life and an enjoyment of all the little pleasures and luxuries that delight and make all the hard work at my job worthwhile.  Some little pleasures are selfish and others are in the delight they bring to others.

Whatever happens here it will all be part of a process of change, some likeable some not very likeable.  What it will be is honest and forthright. 

And sometimes very unexpected, too.

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